VPN技术 · 2023年11月10日 0


1、更新yum源 yum update

2、添加epel源 yum install -y epel-release

3、安装git等 yum install -y git yum install -y wget yum install python-setuptools && easy_install pip

4、安装 libsodium _备注:如果不适用chacha20 方式可以省略此步骤 yum -y groupinstall “Development Tools” wget https://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium/releases/download/1.0.13/libsodium-1.0.13.tar.gz tar xf libsodium-1.0.13.tar.gz && cd libsodium-1.0.13 ./configure && make -j2 && make install echo /usr/local/lib > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/usr_local_lib.conf ldconfig

下载程序源代码并安装依赖 git clone https://github.com/wggwcn/ssr_manyu.git cd ssr_manyu yum -y install python-devel yum -y install libffi-devel yum -y install openssl-devel pip install -r requirements.txt

主要编辑 userapiconfig.py ,来解释下里面各项配置的意思 # Config #节点ID NODE_ID = 1 #自动化测速,为0不测试,此处以小时为单位,要和 ss-panel 设置的小时数一致 SPEEDTEST = 6 #云安全,自动上报与下载封禁IP,1为开启,0为关闭 CLOUDSAFE = 1 #自动封禁SS密码和加密方式错误的 IP,1为开启,0为关闭 ANTISSATTACK = 0 #是否接受上级下发的命令,如果你要用这个命令,请参考我之前写的东西,公钥放在目录下的 ssshell.asc AUTOEXEC = 1 多端口单用户设置,看重大更新说明。 MU_SUFFIX = zhaoj.in 多端口单用户设置,看重大更新说明。 MU_REGEX = %5m%id.%suffix #不明觉厉 SERVER_PUB_ADDR = # mujson_mgr need this to generate ssr link #访问面板方式 `API_INTERFACE = glzjinmod #glzjinmod (数据库方式连接),modwebapi (http api) #mudb,不要管 MUDB_FILE = mudb.json # HTTP API 的相关信息,看重大更新说明。 WEBAPI_URL = https://zhaoj.in WEBAPI_TOKEN = glzjin # Mysql 数据库连接信息 MYSQL_HOST = MYSQL_PORT = 3306 MYSQL_USER = ss MYSQL_PASS = ss MYSQL_DB = shadowsocks # 是否启用SSL连接,0为关,1为开 MYSQL_SSL_ENABLE = 0 # 客户端证书目录,请看 https://github.com/glzjin/shadowsocks/wiki/Mysql-SSL%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE MYSQL_SSL_CERT = /root/shadowsocks/client-cert.pem MYSQL_SSL_KEY = /root/shadowsocks/client-key.pem MYSQL_SSL_CA = /root/shadowsocks/ca.pem # API,不用管 API_HOST = API_PORT = 80 API_PATH = /mu/v2/ API_TOKEN = abcdef API_UPDATE_TIME = 60 # Manager 不用管 MANAGE_PASS = ss233333333 #if you want manage in other server you should set this value to global ip MANAGE_BIND_IP = #make sure this port is idle MANAGE_PORT = 23333 #安全设置,限制在线 IP 数所需,下面这个参数随机设置,并且所有节点需要保持一致。 IP_MD5_SALT = randomforsafety

运行的话,有几种方式。 python server.py 用于调错的 /run.sh 无日志后台运行 /logrun.sh 有日志后台运行 supervisord

优化 wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wggwcn/ssr_manyu/master/centos7/limits.conf -O /etc/security/limits.conf && ulimit -n 51200 wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wggwcn/ssr_manyu/master/centos7/sysctl.conf -O /etc/sysctl.conf && sysctl -p wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wggwcn/ssr_manyu/master/centos7/systemd-supervisor.service -O /usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-supervisor.service

编辑supervisord配置文件 安装supervisor yum install supervisor python-pip -y pip install supervisor==3.1

编辑 /etc/supervisord.conf 最后一段改成如下的,以 /root/shadowsocks/ 为例 [program:mu] command=python /root/ssr_manyu/server.py directory=/root/ssr_manyu autorestart=true startsecs=10 startretries=36 redirect_stderr=true user=root ; setuid to this UNIX account to run the program log_stdout=true ; if true, log program stdout (default true) log_stderr=true ; if true, log program stderr (def false) logfile=/var/log/mu.log ; child log path, use NONE for none; default AUTO ;logfile_maxbytes=1MB ; max # logfile bytes b4 rotation (default 50MB) ;logfile_backups=10 ; # of logfile backups (default 10)

保存 如果想直接下载该文件supervisor的配置文件覆盖 wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wggwcn/ssr_manyu/master/centos7/supervisord.conf -O /etc/supervisord.conf

supervisor 启动,停止,自开机命令 设置开机自启 systemctl enable systemd-supervisor 启动supervisord systemctl start systemd-supervisor 查看supervisord运行情况 systemctl status systemd-supervisor

安装BBR加速 wget –no-check-certificate https://github.com/teddysun/across/raw/master/bbr.sh chmod +x bbr.sh ./bbr.sh

安装锐速 第一步安装多内核环境包 yum install kernel-firmware grubby dracut-kernel

第二步 重启 并 安装新内核 rpm -ivh http://soft.91yun.org/ISO/Linux/CentOS/kernel/kernel-3.10.0-229.1.2.el7.x86_64.rpm –force 重启服务器 reboot

第三步安装 锐速 wget -N –no-check-certificate https://github.com/91yun/serverspeeder/raw/master/serverspeeder.sh && bash serverspeeder.sh

锐速命令 service serverSpeeder stats 锐速状态 service serverSpeeder start 锐速开启 service serverSpeeder stop 锐速关闭 service serverSpeeder restart 锐速重启